About Me

Product Designer - 3 Years

I’m Teddy, a Product Designer currently based in Lagos Nigeria with over 3 years of freelancing experience.

My goal is to help companies/business identify and resolve problems negatively impacting their users and entail the success of the product, service and growth of the organization through delivering intuitive, user-friendly designs and highly exceptional user experience.

When I’m not designing, I’m adding value to myself, advancing my careers, watching anime, smashing the buttons of a gaming console or screaming my lungs out over creative brilliance every time I watch a 3d art and animation/vfx video.

If you’ve got a project you want to work on, do not hesitate to reach out. Lets create something amazing together!

Previous Roles

My Experience

    • Druids Academy
      Learning Institute
    • Product Design Intern
      January 2021 - July 2021
    • Freelancing
    • Product Designer
      July 2021 - Present
    • Zuri Academy
      Learning Institute
    • Product Design Intern
      May 2022 - August 2022
    • Seenema
      Video Streaming
    • Product Designer
      July 2022 - December 2022
Things I Like

Hobbies And Interests

  • Video games
    War, Adventure, Action-Adventure
  • Anime
    Everything aside Hentai, Harem, Romance
  • 3d
    Art, Animation, Vfx
  • Designing
    Websites, Webapp, App, Slides
  • Bikes
    Sportbikes, Dirtbikes, Naked bikes
  • Traveling
    Seeing the world

Interested In Working Together?

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